> 文章列表 > 元宵节必须在家里过吗英语




元宵节可以用英文表达为the Lantern Festival或the festival of lanterns。在其他节日中,除夕可以用New Year\'s Eve表示,春节可以用the Spring Festival表示。




Lantern Festival is a family reunion day. During this festival, Chinese families gather together to celebrate and enjoy traditional activities. It is a special occasion for family members to bond and spend quality time together. The Lantern Festival serves as a symbol of unity and harmony within the family.


The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is a joyful and festive occasion where people gather to appreciate beautiful lantern displays, enjoy delicious rice dumplings, and participate in various cultural performances. The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations and signifies the arrival of a new year filled with hope and prosperity.


The Lantern Festival, also known as Shangyuan Festival, Xiaoyue, Yuanxi, or Lantern Festival, is a symbolic event in Chinese culture. It represents the unity of families and the joyous spirit of reunion. The festival is characterized by colorful lanterns, delicious glutinous rice dumplings, and lively cultural performances. It is a time when people come together to appreciate the beauty of lanterns, enjoy festive food, and create lasting memories with loved ones.


春节可以用英文表达为The Spring Festival,元宵节可以用The Lantern Festival表示,端午节可以用Dragon Boat Festival表示,中秋节可以用The Mid-Autumn Festival表示。

(人们在元宵节都在做什么?)What will you do on Lantern Festival-ZOL问答



元宵可以用英文表达为\"rice glue ball\"或\"glue pudding\",而元宵节可以用英文表示为\"the Lantern Festival\"。元宵是一种糯米制成的球状食物,内有各种馅料,如豆沙。元宵节是以观赏灯笼为主题的传统节日。

请用英语回答下列关于元宵节的问题:When is the festival? What i...

The festival refers to the Lantern Festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. During this festival, people eat sweet dumplings called \"yuanxiao\". The festival signifies the end of the Spring Festival and represents the hope for a prosperous year ahead.

春节、元宵节和中国的所有节日的英语各怎么说?​ - 199****479的回答-ZOL问答

中国的所有节日最准确的表达方式是用中文表示,不要进行直接翻译。例如,春节就叫春节,不要说成\"Spring Festival\"。用中文表达可以更准确地传达中国文化的内涵。